How To Boost Sales With Instagram Marketing?

How To Boost Sales With Instagram Marketing?

  As we all know, How Instagram is being popular day by day, Around 1 billion People are active on Instagram 

Instagram Users (

So you can see Instagram is growing very effectively And Youngsters loving Instagram more than Facebook and Twitter.  So You can see that is the reason all brands are coming on Instagram and promoting their products or services on it.

Also Read –  Future of Digital Marketing. 

Hope Now You are realizing power of Instagram and Why It`s trending in digital marketing.

In this post we will discuss how businesses can grow their sales with Instagram marketing.

So let’s get Started

Around 500 Million People Using Instagram on daily basis. It`s means Instagram have huge potential for growing sales of any any type of business but it`s best for B2C businesses because most of the users are individual and explores Instagram for their personal interests.

Instagram for Business

 Setup a business account on Instagram

Instagram Business (Credit:Instagram)
Yes you need to setup a separate business account on Instagram for your business related activities. 
Setting Up a business account is very easy you just have to go to Instagram settings and then tap to Account, after that click on switch to professional account and then click on business now you all done your account is changed to business account.
With a business account you can easily share your product or services images can create promotions and shoppable posts.
A business account will gives you freedom to do all of this.

Include A Optimized link in your bio

Include a link in your bio
Including a optimized link in your bio will boost your visibility and viewer trust  you can use your store link or a particular new collection in link in your bio.
Choosing link wisely on Instagram will boost your sales very rapidly because on Instagram you can`t enter the link with every post so you have to enter a link in your bio which directly converts your viewer into a buyer.

Write SEO – Friendly description in Your Bio

A Business Account on Instagram (Credit:Mochi Shoes Instagram Account)
Writing SEO friendly well explained bio will create trust with your viewers. Your viewers will easily understand about your brand.
description should be describe about your brand and what type of product you sell.  It can be attractive which attracts your viewer to visit your bio link and shop for your product.
Including your brand or any particular product hashtag is also a good thing. You can use any campaign related hashtags also link Christmas or New Year.
You can change your bio as per campaign requirements. This will also boost your sales.

Use A Attractive and Informative Logo

Use A Attractive and Informative Logo (Credit:Mochi Shoes Instagram Account)
Using  an attractive and informative logo always boost your sales because a logo is the way from which your buyers and your audience identifies you. 
So use a logo which clearly describes about your brand everywhere.

Identify Your Audience

 Identify the audience of your interest it means you have to search for the audience who are interesting in your product or services.
 How to identify audience on Social Media?

Use Micro Influencers 

Micro Influencers Provides Niche Specific Audience(Credit:@factkeeps)
Do You Know who are micro influencers and how to find best micro influencers for your brand, If not so just read this post.
Micro Influencer marketing is one of the best way to promote your product or service directly to the audience who are interested in your product or services.
So with the Micro Influencer Marketing you can easily reach to your targeted audience.

Create Awesome Images

Create high quality images which makes personable touch with audience.

You have to make images which clearly describes your product or service so a viewer can buy it instantly.

Use Video content

Video Marketing (Credit:@factkeeps)
As you already know that video content consumption is growing very rapidly day by day. All businesses are focusing on video marketing.
So videos are the best way to engage with the audience. Videos easily explain about your product or service to the audience.
People love to view videos of product, unboxing and review videos are one of the most searched keyword on google.
A viewer wanted to know about the product in detail before purchasing it. Specially when a buyer purchasing any thing from an eCommerce website. Buyer wanted to know everything that`s why he searches for unboxing and review videos.
Because Videos provide more clarity and detail about the product.
So always create videos of your product and take reviews from micro influencers and influencers of your niche. It will definitely increase your sales and brand credibility.

Create Shoppable Posts

Shoppable Posts (Credit @factkeeps)
Shoppable Posts always increase your sales because it creates an easy to buy experience for your audience.
It`s make online shopping experience much more easy and time efficient.

Use More and Relevant Hashtags

Relevant Hashtags (Credit:Instagram)
Using more and relevant hashtags always boost your sales. But do not use spam hashtags in your posts use only relevant hashtag in your post.
If you don`t know what hashtags are best for you, see your competitor`s hashtags this will help you to increase your audience.

Upload Instagram Stories Regularly.

Uploading Stories on Instagram Regularly will makes more strong on with your audience.
Instagram wants to take over Snapchat in video stories that`s why it`s promoting the account which uploads stories regularly on their account.

Respond To Comments and Always comment on your buyer`s post.

If you took a micro influencer or your buyer tags you with the pic of your product so always comment their.
Because it creates your credibility in your audience. Always respond to the comment which comes in your posts.
Instagram is one of top social media network which have huge potential to grow your specially for B2C products and services
You just have to create a trust with your audience and your audience will convert into your buyer.


So if i give a conclusion of my this post i can only say one thing that Be Consistent with your social media.
Being Consistent is one of the biggest thing, Consistency in right direction always gives you good results.
Hope after reading this post you knew the direction of Instagram Marketing now you just have to be consistent.
So let`summarize all points –
  • Open A business Account on Instagram
  • Make a attractive logo, add link of your store, write a SEO friendly description.
  • Create high quality images ( You can even use Picmonkey or Canva for doing it.)
  • Identify Your Audience or Reach To Your Audience.
  • Use Micro Influencer Marketing
  • Create Shoppable Posts.
  • Use Video Marketing , Make Video Content.
Hope You like this post please share this post and subscribe to and follow on twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
We don`t use any affiliate link in this post.

View Comments (3)

  • I totally agree with you man. You are absolutely right. Actually, as per me, the marketing is not an easy job. Lot of experience and time is required to get success in this field. Why i have made this point of view. The reason is that once in my life i have started marketing or promotions myself for my own sites but you will not believe me that i failed badly to get success. So, my opinion is that the work suits in the hands of the one skilled to do it. Actually, its the perfect so after that which is a digital marketing agency manage all the marketing tactics on my behalf. Anyways, thanks for sharing the nice piece of stuff with us.

  • My name is Youssef. I am an Internet Business Marketer and SEO Expert, I have been working in this industry for more than 14 years.