All You Need To Know About Video Marketing

Video marketing

As we all know Digital Marketing is the present and future of marketing . No business can survive without having an online presence.

Video Marketing
In Digital Marketing video marketing is growing rapidly. People love to watch videos and businesses making attractive video ads for marketing and growing their sales numbers.
So Every business have to do video marketing. Video marketing is have it`s own world.
There are lots of things in video marketing like long videos, short videos , bumper ads and much more.
Videos are changing whole social world. People love to see each other and love to see about the product or service Which they want to purchase via video platforms like YouTube.
May be you also see unboxing video of smartphone before purchasing it.
Do you Why because your mind want to establish trust on some product or service and Videos plays an important role for doing that.
As per the research made by Hubspot shows that four out of six top social media channels are on which consumers watch videos
So in this post I will try to make you understand about what is video marketing , how to start video marketing and how to run a successful video marketing campaign.
Let`s Get Started –

What is Video Marketing?

What is Video Marking?
Video marketing definition is very simple it`s means promoting your brand, product or service via videos.
Making and uploading videos via your camera or creating animated videos.
Video marketing will grow sales by creating better engagement with your buyers.
High speed internet makes video consumption so higher people searches for almost everything on YouTube even if they search on google they love to watch videos.
Do you know Why?
Because Videos makes relation. Yes any written content or voice content also create some engagement but videos creates higher engagement.

Why Video Marketing is using by all businesses?

Do you know

72% of consumer watch videos but don`t read product description of any product.

72% of consumer watch videos but don`t read product description of any product.
According to Hubspot
So Now you can realize that why all business focusing on video marketing or have to focus on video marketing.
50+ % of internet users looked for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store.

78% of internet users watch online video every week
. (According to HubSpot)

So Now it`s really clear to you why video marketing is a present and future of marketing.

How To Start A Successful Video Marketing Campaign?

 Creating a successful video marketing campaign will definitely grows your business sales.

Making videos is not a difficult task.  Now you can create 4K, HD videos from your smartphone you can edit them on your smartphone and

if you have or can learn little video editing knowledge so all this will definitely help you to create a successful video marketing campaign.

So let`s see how you can start a successful video marketing campaign –

1. Make a Complete Strategy

Before starting any marketing campaign making a right strategy or plan is very important.
Making plan by seeing every point and goals will definitely get the success.
See what you want to achieve with this video marketing campaign and  how you can achieve it.
See Is your goal achievable with your strategy ?
On what-what platforms you can advertise your video?
You have to see What type of Video can grow your sales?
After reviewing all these points you just have to create a high quality and informative video.
Which clearly defines  about your product or service to the viewer.
So Decide your goals As per the smartinsights your marketing objective should be –
SMART Marketing Objectives (Image

Understand your audience of various platforms

All platforms have different types of audience like LinkedIn have different type of audience and Instagram and Facebook have different type of audience.
On all social media platforms audience wants to see different type of content.
Like me I don`t want to see some useless product ads on LinkedIn but on Instagram i love to view all things related to my interest.
So make videos related to the your audience which make engagement with the viewer.
Make short and attractive videos.
Keep your videos short and attractive.
When you watch any add you love to view it again if the attracts your attention so you want to watch again and again.
So do some experiments with your video and convert them to a attractive video.
A Video which have attractive and useful content will help businesses to grow their sales much faster than many other marketing methods.

2. Start Making Videos

Now you understand that all social media platforms have different type of audience and it`s needs different type of content to grab viewer attention.
And A attractive and informative content video will grab more viewer attention and will definitely grow sales.
So now don`t wait for anything start making videos.
Even you can start creating videos with your smartphone. Yes with your smartphone, you can create, edit and can publish your video with your smartphone.
Best Video Editing Apps

There are many apps for video editing available on app stores but all these may not suits you.
Here is some Top Video Editing Apps available for ios and android users.
KineMaster (Image Credit: PlayStore)
KineMaster is a app which provides you feature of video editing in multiple layers. It`s available with free version as well as paid version of KineMaster.
It means On KineMaster, A Creator can add tet, images, video , songs or multiple frames in a video.
KineMaster is a complete app which provides you a high class video editing experience in your smartphone.
With the help of KineMaster A creator can create any type of videos whether it`s news, Vlog or any type of video.
In a paid version of KineMaster you have unlimited features which provides a best in class video editing experience.
PowerDirector (Image Credit: PlayStore)
PowerDirector is another video editing which provides high class video editing experience with premium features, A Creator can edit videos on the go and can engage with his audience anytime, anywhere.
With PowerDirector you can create 4k videos,  it`s have features like motion tracking video framing and much more which helps in making a audience friendly attractive video.
Video Collages helps you to piece together numerous pictures into a motion video and video stabilization helps in remove shaky camera moments. PowerDirecttor also allows to add voice overs in a video.

3. Keep Engagement with your audience  – Always Ask For Feedback.

Keep Engagement with your audience
Creating and Uploading video is just starting you have to keep engagement with your audience.
Always ask for feedback. Request your viewers to leave a comment. Request them to ask questions, give suggestions on your video.
Start A Dialogue With your Audience via Your Video.
People love to speak so starting a dialogue is a great thing when you are doing video marketing it`s increase your trust between your viewers.
Reply to their questions help them to solve their issues. Ask them to provide feedback on your video.
Feedback makes you better and try to understand that what really your audience wants.
( So please leave a comment below on this post if you have any questions or suggestions.)
Your first video may be worst but feedback from your audience will make you more responsible and you will research more on your topic and will create high quality content.

4. Tell Your Viewer Stories.

As the Seth Godin said that ” People do not buy goods & services. They buy relations, stories & magic.”
So, Yes you also have to sell stories and relations to your viewers.
Make a Story related to your product or service.
Stories connects the audience to you story telling via video is an awesome opportunity for you to make a strong relation with your audience.
  • Make Short and Attractive Story
  • Tell a Journey of your Product or Service.
  • Make relation with audience via your story.
Tell your audience how you started your product from where you get the idea to start selling your product or service. Tell your viewers the story of your struggle.

5.  Keep Focus On SEO

Good SEO always matters whether you are working on written content , audio content or video content.
SEO always helps you to rank your video on the top.
Let`s note some important tips for SEO a video
Making a good video is good but writing good title and description for your video is much more important.
Write a Title which catch viewers eyes easily and search engines can easily understand what your video is about?
Writing a title that easily clarify what your video is about to your viewers as well a the search engine will make your video to rank on top.
Write a Description which describes your video to search engines .
Make Short and Attractive Videos.
Do not use too many junk keywords just explain about your videos in a very easy way this will make your video to rank top on search engines.
Create simple and short videos.
Use tags smartly and properly.

6. Do advertisements for reaching to your audience

Advertisements always helps for reaching to more and more viewers.
So you ads in their full potential.
If you want to do marketing with full capacity you have to get both type of traffic organic and paid.
Using YouTube Ads is great choice for all businesses who want to expand their business and want to build a image of your brand.
YouTube Ads will help you to reach to millions of new audience that will grow sales and brand name.
YouTube Ads can help you connect with people who are interested in what you have to offer. From sports fans to fashionistas, and everyone in between, people come to YouTube for the content they love.
YouTube Ads (Image
With Find My Audience, it’s easy to get a deeper understanding of your most valuable customers – their interests, their habits, and what they’re planning to purchase.
You can use Facebook Ads to target to your specific audience.
Facebook Ads (Image
Via Using Facebook Ads you can target your audience based on location,age etc. The most brilliant part of Facebook ads is you can target all group of audience.
Suppose you make a video for older people and one video for younger generation so you can target both of them using via Facebook Ads. Publishing Ads on Instagram also a great choice for if your audience is a young people because most of the youngsters using Instagram.
You can Use Snapchat Ads for increasing your audience. Snapchat is growing platform which is video focused.
If your product or service related to fashion, i=travel or lifestyle, design, Snapchat is one of the best place for advertising, because Snapchat is used by most of the people who love to see content like this.
On Snapchat you can reach the audience based on their  interests, behaviors, location, and more.
Snapchat`s minimum daily budget of $5 allows all businesses even small or big to do advertising on Snapchat.

Conclusion :

So Now you completely understand what is video marketing and how to start and grow your video marketing campaign. Video marketing is a present and future of digital marketing because people love to view videos specially innovative videos.
Videos makes better relations and create a personal engagement with audience. Videos explains product or service in a much better way which helps viewer to understand about you and your product or services.
Video Marketing is easy, You can even create videos with your smartphone and can also edit them with the help of applications like KineMaster and PowerDirector. Making a complete strategy and setting goals always helps for creating a successful video marketing campaign.
Keeping engagement with the audience is the key for a successful video marketing campaign. Ask For The Feedback to your viewers and help them to solve their questions and problems.
Tell your audience stories related to your product or service, It will make you to make relation with your viewers.
Do a good SEO of your video. Use keywords in your description and title. Write a description which clearly defines about your video to viewers as well as the search engines.
  • Create Simple and Short videos, Use Tags Properly.
  • Make Relations with your audience via your Videos.
  • Publish Ads on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Snapchat.
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