All You Need To Know About Micro-Influencer Marketing

Last Updated on March 6, 2023 by factkeeps

In 2022 micro influencer marketing is a highest growing trend because of the great engagement which micro-influencers have with their audience. 

What are Micro influencers?

Micro influencer marketing is much more suitable for small businesses because they don`t charge too much like the big stars or influencers and gives better sales results. One of the most great thing about micro influencers are they are niche or product specific this thing is really helpful because their audience also have interst in the particular product or service which helps business to connect directly to their potential buyers and can grow their sales much faster.

 A micro influencer can be a a travel blogger,food blogger, a local blogger, a tech expert, fashion blogger, fitness or nutrition expert or any niche specific individual. 

Micro influencer marketing is much easy and reliable which grows sales number of any business. Now many big brands also focusing on micro influencer marketing because of its best return of sales number. 

How Micro Influencer Marketing is very effective?

Micro Influencer Reach (Image Credit

The ratio of like and comments of accounts who having less followers is much much more higher than the  accounts who have millions of followers.
Instagram Like Rate vs Followership (Image Credit
Instagram Like Rate vs Followership (Image Credit
Such a simple and logical thing if any micro influencer have more personal interaction and engaement with his audience so it will convert more sales.

Do you  know – micro influencers having 1,000 followers have much more engagement than those who have 100,000 followers.
Instagram Like Rate vs Followership
                       Instagram Comment Rate vs Followership (image credit :
So you just have to find the micro influencers who have more engagement and personal interaction with their audience.
Suppose you following someone on Instagram who share latest recipes related to coffee so hiring this micro influencer is much better for a coffee brand because you follow this influencer because you have interest in coffee and it`s recipes and you must try any new coffee which comes in the market. 
So Micro influncer marketing is much more profitable marketing idea for any business specially for small businesses.

Benefits of Using Micro-influencer marketing?

Many of you may be thinking that what are the benefits of using micro influencers? 
So let me answer your this question. As i  already explained you how micro influencer marketing are effective and why now all digital marketing experts agree with this that micro influencer marketing is the most effective way to grow number of sales.

1. Affordable

 Most important and intresting thing about micro influencers are they have affordability they don`t charge like a big influencers. In some amount of money you can hire multiple micro influencers for growing your sales.
It will definetly grow your sales numbers and will promote your product or service to more and more people. 

2. Have great engagement with audience

Micro Influencers Provides Higher Engagement
Micro influencers have such a great engagement with their followers and audience. Higher and better engagement means micro influencers have much more personal interaction with their audience.
Micro influencers discuss on many small questions of their audience let’s take an example
recently when i was searching for a trimmer i saw a trimmer but have a question before purchase so i that question with a micro influencer who posts videos regarding hair trimmers on YouTube and he provide me a very quick answer.
So I hope now you clearly understand how better engagement of micro influencers help brands to promoting their product perfectly.
More personal interaction means micro influencers not just post your product or service on their page but also explains your product to their audience it makes the sales conversion much better.

3.  Have Niche Specific Audience

Micro Influencers Provides Niche Specific Audience
Micro Influencers Provides Niche Specific Audience
Micro Influencers have niche specific specialists so it helps businesses directly to the persons who have interst in their product or service category.Micro influencer provides their audience a interest base content this will help you to reach your potential buyers.

As micro influencers have specialization in their niche so they provides in depth review of your product or service to your potential buyers this will help your buyer to buy product with confidence.

4. Can provide high conversion

Micro Influencers Provides Higher Conversions
Provides Higher Conversions
So When a influencer recommends any product or service to his audience will purchase that product or service.
Even We love to see reviews and feedback from the experts or people.
Recently when i was going to a apparel shop i google it and found a review of one shop from a local micro influencer.  I really like that review and visited that shop only.
So Promoting product or service with a micro influencer will definitely gives you better conversion.

Who can use micro influencers for growing sales of their business?

Micro Influencers For All Businesses
Micro Influencers For All Businesses
Most of you have confusion Using micro influencers have some benefit for me or not?
Let me clear your this confusion –
 As I already explained you that how micro influencers are effective because of their high engagement, high conversion rate affordability and niche specific audience. 

So using micro influencers is a benefit for all types of businesses not even B2C but B2B businesses can also use micro influencers for grow their business.

Whether you have fashion related products, have food items, tech related products have restaurant, local shop or selling wholesale items Micro influencer marketing works for all of you.

A small businesses can use micro influencer marketing in such a great way because of their affordable rates.

Micro influencer marketing many times works better than the Adwords or facebook ads advertising.
How to find Micro Influencers?
Choosing a right micro inluencer is some tricky thing because if you chooses a wrong influencer it will effect your whole marketing campaign in a negative way.

 How and where I can find micro influencer?

You have to find that who are your potential buyers like depending on your product services you have to choose a micro influencer.
Suppose you are selling a coffee so you have to find influencer who making content related to coffee or food related things.
Do Keyword and hashtag research
Do Keyword and hashtag research
Do Keyword and hashtag research
For finding a best micro influencer for your product or service you have to do keyword and hashtag research on platforms like Instagram.
See how the micro influencers are dealing with their audience whether they are friendly with their audience or not?
Looking at engagement is better than looking at followers. 
If any micro influencer receiving good engagement so choosing it is beneficial for you.
If you have local business search for influencers who make content related to your locality by searching your locality `s keywords and hashtags.

Content is the king 

Always see before hiring what type of content a micro influencer is making whether he making quality relatable content or not.
Content is King

Always see before hiring what type of content a micro influencer is making whether he making quality relatable content or not.

Some Great Tools for finding Micro Influencers –

Snoopreport is a great tool for finding out what the users likes on instagram and on what posts users posting comments.
So by using snoopreport you able to understand user`s behaviour in your product or service category.
By using snoopreport you able to find best micro influencer for your campaign.

 2. Hypr

 Hypr is one of the best tool for searching best micro influencer for your marketing campaign. 
Hyper social media marketing tool
Hypr ( Image Credit
Hypr provide complete analytics of social media data which helps you to find best micro influencer.
Hypr also provides you free trial which helps you to start your digital marketing campaign in a very affordable way.
So you can use Hyper by creating a free account.
Once you created your account, search for micro influencer by using filter as per your requirement.
Hyper influencer search
Micro Influencer Search Result ( credit –
So by these methods you can find best micro influencer for your digital marketing campaign.

Tips for creating a best micro influencer marketing campaign –

1. Use Campaign related hashtags
Using campaign related or specific hashtags boost your campaign much faster because of using same hashtags by all micro influencers post related to your marketing campaign will comes at single place which makes easy for viewer to view about your product.
micro influencer campaign product related images
Use Product Related Image ( Image Credit – #golinutrition from Instagram)
So Using relevant hashtags always gives better result to your micro influencer`s campaign.
When brands sends products to micro influencerand say to use their hastags while posting it it will engage more audience.
micro influencer campaign product related images
Micro Influencer`s post using relevant hashtag (Image Credit @midwestjessofficial on Instagram)

So you can see using product relevant same hashtags by all influencers how much beneficial for your marketing campaign.
2. Tell viewers a story with your campaign 
As you already hear that people buys every product with emotion so let`s try to make a story of your product like how you make that, from where you got idea or thought to create your product and how it can fulfill your buyer`s needs. So always try to make story with your campaign.
So As the Seth Godin said “People do not buy goods & services. They buy relations, stories & magic.”
Seth Godin said “People do not buy goods & services. They buy relations, stories & magic.”
Seth Godin `s Quote
3. Make Shoppable Posts
Social commerce and shoppable posts is a latest and growing trend in online shopping but it`s has been using and tested by social media giants from long time.
Shoppable Posts
So Using Shoppable Posts is a great way to covert your viewer to buyer so try to use shoppable posts while your campaign.
But keep remember micro influencer must explain about your product in particular post otherwise it`s look like a spam.
4. Use Sponsored Posts
Make sponsored post and do promotions it`s means that you can promote your micro influencer`s post on social media it will help you to reach more and more audience which will definitely convert to your buyer.
Good Promotions always attracts more and more audience
Good Promotions always attracts more and more audience
So making nice attractive and informative promotions always increase your sales and will boost your marketing campaigns.


So using Micro influencer marketing is a great way to improve sales and brand value.

Micro influencers have great engagement, higher conversion rates, affordability and niche specific audience which all make them a great tool in digital marketing campaign. Micro influencers are the best way to reaching to your potential buyers whether a big brand or a small business micro influencers suited for all.

Finding right micro influencer for your marketing campaign may be some tricky but using keyword research and having an eye on micro influencer`s content is a nice way to finding a right micro influencer.
Tools like snoopreport and Hypr makes very easy to find a right and best micro influencer for any business ,any location and for any type of niche. As micro influencer marketing is affordable it`s a one of the great tool for small business to run their digital marketing campaign.
As we all know digital marketing becomes very difficult these days SEO takes too much time for promoting. Internet users are blocking ads and trying to avoid ads.
Micro Influencers makes personal interaction and trust establishment with their audience that`s why people trust on them.  You can reach new audience an audience who have interest in your niche directly via micro influencer marketing.
By using product related hashtags , telling product story to your audience , creating shoppable post and running sponsored posts campaign you can do micro influencer marketing very effectively.
Micro influencer marketing is the present and future of digital marketing , a great tool for small businesses and a best tool for big brands.
So If you have any questions, suggestions or any story related to your micro influencer marketing campaign pleas comment below.
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