How 10 Minute delivery works?

Last Updated on May 31, 2022 by factkeeps

10 minute delivery is  not new we all saw it by local kirana stores. Covid19 Lockdown and remote work culture increase the demand for ecommerce deliveries. When all cities are in lockdown everyone started ordering online almost everything, from clothes to vegetables.

How 10 Minute delivery works?
Quick Commerce is competitive


No one will order on BigBasket, Grofers, or amazon fresh if they urgently need groceries. people will go and buy it from a nearby grocery store.

So companies like Zepto and Grofers (now Blinkit) are changing this habit by enabling 10 minute delivery with the help of tech-enabled operations.

How does 10-minute delivery work?  

10 minutes delivery works with the help of dark stores and competitive tech-enabled operations.

The dark stores  
How 10 Minute delivery works?
How 10 Minute delivery works?

Drak stores are the stores located near your home because for delivery in 10 minutes companies need to create more and more mini warehouses so they can deliver the products within the timeline.

Grover’s founder Albinder Dhindsa explained the need for mini-warehouses for 10 minutes delivery in an interview with businessinsider “We did some maths on our end to do 10-minute delivery in a city like Bangalore [Bengaluru], you will need close to 80-90 stores. If you have to deliver in Delhi [under 10 minutes], you would need around 300-400 stores. But maybe they [Grofers] are not operating everywhere, they are only offering 10-minute delivery to places with dense localities,” the person added.

10 Minute Delivery doing wonders

10 minutes delivery sometime looks like the magic but it’s just a game of tech enabled supply chain management.

In future we may see drone deliveries and with drone deliveries think becomes very easy to deliver and all items including electronics, apparels and food items.

Drone deliveries makes the thing fast and smooth and when customers from tier-3 and 4 cities will order for 10 minute deliveries it will do wonders.

 We will see 10 minute delivery of almost everything in future.

So with the help of dark stores, these companies are making the product deliver in just 10 minutes.

Tech Enabled Ecommerce
How 10 Minute delivery works?
How 10 Minute delivery works?

For making delivery done in 10 minutes companies use technology and invest a huge amount in that.

With Blinkit, order assembly happens in real-time as you’re adding items to your in-app cart. Because of this, smaller orders can be readied in as few as 60 seconds.

With the help of a limited inventory system, companies are not storing so much stock in one store.


For doing 10 minutes delivery companies are investing too much and they are competing with the local Kirana stores.

How 10 Minute delivery works?
Future of Quick Commerce


But this thing is giving very tough lives to delivery workers. Things are not easy for them to fulfill an order in 10 minutes.

Ecommerce is expanding day by day and new innovations are coming days so we will see more new innovations in the future.

Doing 10 minuets delivery is not an easy task for delivery persons they are suffering from many issues including high work pressure, physical injury chances and mental stress.

We all as a consumer didn’t see the pain of these delivery persons but we have to understand that for our continent there is someone who is suffering from the huge pain.

The job security, insurance and many other issues are there which companies can solve but they are just interesting in business expansion but they didn’t have any interest in making the things right for the real workforce of these companies.

Govt and the authorities should make some protocols for these people because they are the real workforce and without them companies can’t suffer for a single minute.

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