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Startup Success Story : Parafit – A one stop solution for all fitness-based needs.

We all know that we have to eat healthy to live healthily but it’s very…

ByBy@factkeppsApr 13, 2021

The Revival Story of Snapdeal

Snapdeal, a company started in 2010 became 2nd largest ecommerce retailer in 2013. After the…

ByBy@factkeppsMar 14, 2021

5 minutes summary of How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

In my last post, I wrote the 5 minutes summary of Dale Carnegie’s How To…

ByBy@factkeppsFeb 26, 2021

5 Minute Summary of How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to…

ByBy@factkeppsFeb 14, 2021

Hago — A game app which can give fun and help you to make new friends

Hago app You all know about the Hago app. It`s  a…

ByBy@factkeppsNov 15, 2020

SiteGround Review: SiteGround Web Hosting Review: Is this good for beginners

SiteGround Review for beginerrs. Choosing a right web hosting is one of the top complicated…

ByBy@factkeppsSep 30, 2020