How to do Twitter Marketing in 2022? – 5 Powerful Tips for Twitter Marketing

Last Updated on February 23, 2022 by factkeeps

Twitter marketing
Twitter marketing

With more than 145 Million daily active users makes Twitter is one of the popular social media networks. So if you are missing twitter in your marketing strategy so you may be missing many successful leads.

People use Twitter for discovering something new of their interest. Twitter is one of the best networks to engage with your audience. After the Covide-19 pandemic activity on Twitter also grows just because of its easy and well-looking user interface.

So in this post, I will discuss how you can grow your brand or your personal brand on Twitter with the help of the right marketing strategies.

So Let’s Get Started –

Why Use Twitter

 Twitter is for everyone with the help of Twitter you can generate new leads and can increase your reach to the audience who have an interest in your product or service.

Here are some major points of benefits of Twitter –

  • Allows to share and promote brand content in seconds.
  • Allows you to converse with your followers, share the latest updates about your company, and address your audience.
  • Expand your reach.
  • Allows you to provide quick customer service and support.

Hope now it’s clear to you why Twitter is one of the most popular social networks and why you should be active in Twitter marketing.

Check your account
If you or your organization already have a Twitter account so analyze it with the help of Twitter analytics.
With the help of Twitter analytics, you can see in detail how your account is doing and what improvement it’s needed.
Set goals
Without knowing any target you may run badly so always deciding the targets and goals will help you to grow faster.
Create Achievable goals which can help you to grow and generate leads via Twitter.
Check the competition
Seeing what your rivals are doing and what type of engagement they are getting will help you to decide perfect content strategy.
Decide content strategy
Always decide your content strategy before creating the content it will help you to achieve your goal easily.
Make content calendar
Scheduling your post will defiantly work on Twitter it will help you. If you make your content calendar so it will help you to get more engagement on your tweets.
Let’s quickly discuss some top tips for Twitter that help you to grow and reach your audience on Twitter. Trust me That actually works.

1. Choose the right handle, profile photo, and header image

The first impression is the last very old line even matters today especially on Twitter do you know why just because your handle and profile photo will first be seen by anyone.
Keep your name consistent on all social media networks. If you use any other name so it may confuse your audience.
Let’s take an example of @harpersbazaarus there is no way to include ‘s in the Twitter handle so they simply write their brand name harpersbazaarus. It makes it easy to understand and eye-catching.
Harper’s Bazaar (Credit: Twitter)
satya nadela twitter
Credit: Satya Nadella Twitter
You can see how eye-catching a professional headshot is used by Microsoft’s Ceo.
Credit: Amazon Twitter

 2. Make an eye-catching bio

Your Twitter bio allows you to tell the people viewing your profile precisely.
Make an eye catching bio
(Image Credit Profile @PamMktgNut)
You got only 160 characters, so just tell viewers the benefits you deliver. Why would someone have to follow you? A bio is a thing that shows what you are and what you can do.

3. Tweet at best times

Twitter global engagement
Twitter Peak Time (Credit:
Every social media have its own peak times and you have to engage in it on that time only for getting better results.
So always tweet at the peak time. Many studies and research shows tweets done between 12 pm and 6 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday get more engagement and some research shows that tweets done between Monday to Friday on business hours get more engagement.
My tip: Select your peak time by analyzing your followers or your niche suppose you are a web developer so you have to focus on business hours for posting a tweet and if you have a fashion or entertainment niche so you can more focus on weekends because usually, people want to view entertainment-related things on weekends.
I am not saying you don’t post tweets at the normal time but yes posting during peak times will help you boost engagement. You will gain higher CTRs when you post at peak hours. 

4. Tweet with images to get more retweets

We all love retweets always increase your tweet viewership that’s why retweets really matter on Twitter.
But how you can get more retweets this question comes to mind but it has a very simple answer by posting images with your tweets.
Yes, Tweets with images get more retweets but not all ordinary images get the retweets only high-quality relatable images to get retweets.
Images get more engagement just because a viewer doesn’t have to think about it and can take an instant action to like and retweet a tweet.
My tip: Worrying how you can create high-quality images don’t think too much use the platforms like Canva and Picmonkey. Trust me it’s really easy to create high-quality images with the help of these tools.

5. Don’t use unnecessary hashtags

Tweets with hashtags receive 2x more engagement than those that don’t. So always use relevant hashtags with your tweets.
But yes always remember don’t use irrelevant hashtags with your tweets. Using irrelevant hashtags will decrease the rate of engagement of your tweets.
My tip: Always use at least 1 or 2 hashtags with your tweet. You can use relevant hashtags by using Twitter analytics or you can use tools like Hashtagify and RiteTag.
Never use unrelated hashtags it will decrease your tweet engagement. 


A tweet average life is just a few minutes yes sometimes it can be last for some hours but it is just an exception.

Always remember there are thousands of tweets generating every second so your Twitter marketing efforts have to be unique so that you can create your own image in the crowd.

Focus on the starting of your Twitter profile. Keep your Twitter handle short and easy to remember. It should be close to your business or brand name.

Your profile photo is your identity so always profile photo that is a brand logo, or a professional headshot for a personal brand. Your header also shares your message.

Your bio should explain who are you and what you can do.

Always tweet during peak hours. If you are unable to do that try to schedule your tweets.

Never use more than 2 hashtags. Don’t use unnecessary hashtags in your tweets.

Insert images in your tweets to get more retweets. Use videos with your tweets for getting more engagement.

Provide better customer service with the help of Twitter engage with your customers and audience by conducting polls on Twitter.

Polls are the best tool if you want to do some market research use polls frequently for getting more engagement and free market research.

Collaborate with the industry leaders or influencers for getting better visibility and viewership and consumer trust.

Have the budget so go for Twitter ads. Twitter ads have the power to boost your business in a very short time.

Use Twitter analytics for viewing your progress and to understand your audience.

Twitter’s biggest attribute is speed.  With the help of that speed, you can spread your message very instantly.


Twitter is a platform that gives you trust between your niche audience and all type of audience, if you use Twitter marketing effectively trust me so you can generate very effective leads easily.


Have any questions suggestions or any story share them with us in the comment section below.



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Follow @factkeeps on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

I don’t use any affiliate links on this post all products suggested by me are after in-depth research on which you should trust.

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